Week 5

1. Small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) operate with a limited number of staff and on low budgets. Do you think SMEs can benefit from ERP systems? Explain your answer with suitable examples.

Yes, I do think SMEs can benefit from ERP systems. I work in a company that provides online solutions for companies (including Saas and Paas). These companies range in size from organisations with less than 20 employees to those with over 20,000. The benefits that are enjoyed by larger companies can also be experienced by smaller companies, though they may use a scaled back version of the same system to achieve the same results.

For example:

An asset monitoring system can provide the same benefits to large and small companies: ability to track and record assets, their maintenance needs, repairs and inspections carried out, replacements required, aid in asset planning (ensure are being used to maximum capacity) etc.

A training and education platform + records database management system can provide the same benefits to large and small companies: reduction in training costs, consistency of delivery, flexibility and scalability in training and onboarding, selection of work teams based on skillset.

A large organisation may require both an asset monitoring system and a training and education platform as part of a larger system. A smaller organisation may use these functions individually to address specific pain points or bottle necks that they experience within their organisation.

Benefits are derived mainly from the introduction of technology which, when done correctly, reduces costs and the need for human resources and input in the long run, this results in benefits for any organisation – no matter its size. As detailed in my last blog post, SMEs are set to drive a new wave of design in ERP development.

2. Examine assessment item 3. The purpose of this assignment is to provide a report responding to a case study. Provide a rough skeleton (dot point form if you wish) of the content and structure of the main body of your report. You should make clear what the problem is and also outline what the options are.

Exec Summary (4 marks)

– Short summary of the purpose of the report

– includes brief conclusion (s)

Introduction (2 marks)

– Describes purpose of the report

The purpose of this report is to “identify causes of ERP implementation failure at Waste Management Company and provide possible solutions which can be used for future implementations.” (Assignment 3 – Case Study, 2014.)

– sets out how the report is to be presented

– you need to clearly state which option you’ll be arguing for

Discussion (20 marks)

– Each option is examined and discussed briefly

ERP that requires changing business processes to match system functionality

VS Customise ERP software to match business processes (WMC expected this, SAP failed to deliver)

– Risks and benefits of the preferred option are clearly discussed

Risks and benefits of selected option from which you’re expected to draw and justify your own conclusion

Problems experienced by WMC

Major causes of ERP implementation failure (link back to problems in case study)

Use of prototype in ERP selection process

Benefits and challenges with converting a prototype into a working system

From the discussion a choice between: ERP that requires changing business processes to match system functionality VS Customise ERP software to match business processes. That will best suit WMC.

– Relevant literature is used to support the argument and illustrate the benefits

– The discussion supports the argument being made

– The discussion and supporting literature are linked to the case study problem

Conclusion (10 marks)

– Brief summary of facts established in discussion.

– Arrives at logical end point

– A recommendation is made that addresses the case study problem

– No new material is introduced

Week 5

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